Program your robot to move forward 20cm at a time, 4 times.
Stop for at least 1 second after each movement.
Each forward movement must be a different speed.
Use light and/or sound commands after each movement.
Sequential Movements Mini-Challenge
Click to View Setup and Materials
Mini-Challenge: Sequential Movements
Practice solving the Mini-Challenge in this virtual activity! You can program this virtual robot to complete the Sequential Movements Mini-Challenge as a way to plan and test your solution for your physical SPIKE Prime.Sequential Movements Mini-Challenge
Virtual SPIKE Prime Curriculum
The virtual activity above is included as one of 90+ simulated environments in our Coding and Computational Thinking with Virtual SPIKE Prime curriculum. Several additional mini-challenges in this curriculum will allow you to practice in the virtual environment first. If you'd like access to the full virtual solution, you can purchase it using the Digital Store button at the top of the page or at the CMU University store.
Program Upload: Sequential Movements Mini-Challenge
Complete and upload your program for the Sequential Movements Mini-Challenge.