Unit Project: Autonomous Kicker

The final project for this unit is to construct an Autonomous Kicker.
Basic Design Requirements
- Design and build a cardboard or foam core “box” that has a chute to accept a ping pong ball.
- You should have a program that runs a motor when an object is within 3cm of the distance sensor.
- The kicker must actually kick the ball out of the box once the distance sensor detects the ball.
Build Requirements
- You can use any wires or connectors from previous steps.
- The design should have a chute or path that the ball must travel to get to the “kicking” area.
- (Optional) You can add in a “delay” in the program to have it wait before the motor starts moving.
- Mount all the pieces securely. Nothing should come loose when shaken.
- All wiring should be neat, of the proper length, and securely attached.
Scoring Characteristics
Core Functions 30 pointsThe Arduino must be able to detect when the ball is within 3cm from the sensor. The motor must move once the ball is within 3cm from the sensor.
Workmanship: Shake Test 10 pointsWhen shaken firmly, the cart must stay intact. No rattling of parts should be heard or felt.
Workmanship: Neatness 10 pointsAll wires should be of a proper length and use proper connectors -- no extra loops should be present, and connections should not be secured with tape where a connector is more appropriate (for instance, using electrical tape instead of a spade connector on a screw terminal).
Bonus: Unique Improvements +5 points / additional design+5 bonus points for each additional design feature that benefits the functionality or durability of the device. For instance, protecting the electronic components with an additional cardboard "shield", or placing the battery in a more robust battery holder.